It was only my fault

Sweetheart the sun is still shining, and come on now, it just wasn’t meant for us.

You don't have to make up your mind today sweetheart

The pain in your voice said more than your words

too many sleepless nights, trying to find a meaning to this stupid life

Känslan infinner sig alltid i dessa kalla stunder

det är ändå mitt blod du blöder

ska du kalla henne brottsling nu

i can't wait for you to fuck me up

Har släppt för mycket av mig själv på dessa råa gator

They should respect life whether or not they believe in it!

they would kill to see me fail

The woman with the tatooed hands

The worst part is that you don't even know

Jag är trasig, jag vet.

-men för dig låtsas jag vara sådär fin som du tror att jag är.

the more crap you go through , the more you kind of wants to be alone

I only comfort in the brittleness of days when I can hold what I just found

I'm no longer worth it

i wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead.

Am I doing it right?

Don't you ever open your eyes, you won't like what you see

I've had it up to here with you!

I don't know why I still try, when all you do is push me away.

Does it make you feel alive dear?

Karma will get back to you, I swear.

I ain't laughing this time

So I do what I do and you don't what you don't

remember, leave no man behind

du har ingen anledning att kalla mig hora

Red lips

When someone asks me where I'm going; I tell em' anywhere but here.
I'm running from the things I've done. I've done nothing that you ain't done.
So why am I still on the run?

When someone asks me how I'm doing; I tell em' I'm doing just fine
Force a smile justified, I'm half confused but I'm alright
When someone asks me what I'm doing; I tell em anything I want.
When there's nothing left to do I sleep. I like my rest, I love to dream

I'm livin' out my dream

Menade bara att hjälpa.

Känner mig träffad men vet inte säkert om jag faller eller svävar.

du borde ta dina ord tillbaks, för alla glömmer men inte jag

Hur många gånger ska jag behöva skrika för att överhuvudtaget få den minsta lilla reaktion


jag kommer aldrig glömma när du tog min glädje ifrån mig

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